It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our amazing community, where staff and parents work together, so our children thrive and flourish.
Our purpose is to educate, inspire, nurture and challenge students in an inclusive and supportive environment ensuring they reach their full potential.
Our staff are highly professional and committed to developing the whole child through consistent whole school practices and they use quality teaching strategies that have the highest impact on student learning. Teaching practices are evidenced based and are consistently informed by student data.
We offer specialist instruction in Science, Music, Drama, Auslan and Physical Education.
Strong relationships are our platform for success. We are very grateful that we have an energetic P&C and a highly effective School Board who support us in continually improving student outcomes. MOMPS is our unique Dad’s group that strengthen connections between fathers, male figures, and their children. There are many opportunities for our parents and family members to be involved in the day-to-day life of the school.
We are proud to be inclusive and support diversity across our school community and prioritise student mental health and well-being through a comprehensive program integrated into our curriculum.
I invite you and your children to be a part of our exciting journey at Melville PS.
Melanie Osborne