P & C Association

The P&C Association aims to promote the interest of the school through encouraging co-operation between the school and the community, assisting in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities for the school and fostering community interest in educational matters. Parent involvement is encouraged and valued at Melville Primary School.

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm in the staffroom. 

How to contact the P&C 


president@mpspac.org.au; Mr Tim Salter

vicepresident@mpspac.org.au; Mrs Rebecca Storer

treasurer@mpspac.org.au; Mrs Jo-Anne Di Fillipo

secretary@mpspac.org.au; Mrs Erin Morris

engagement@mpspac.org.au; Mrs Melinda Vaughn

momps@mpspac.org.au; Mr Ra Hinder, Mr Matt Giovannangelo

Facebook: @melvilleprimaryschoolpandc